Paint Like L. S. Lowry Oil Painting Workshop. Only six places available


Pay £25 Deposit and £50 on the Day

Paint Like L.S. Lowry Oil Painting Workshop.

Book a place on this amazing Paint Like L.S. Lowry, Oil Painting Workshop for your self or a friend.

Spend the day Painting in his style

This excellent opportunity to Paint Like L.S. Lowry Oil painting workshop at £80 Only is designed for anyone wishing to spend a day painting in oils, the class starts at 10.00 am with a break at 12.30 bring your lunch or use the Heritage Cafe then back to painting from 1 pm until 3 or 4pm.

Your Tutor

Marc A Turner will guide you through the day so that by the end of the day you will take home your very own oil painting after L S Lowry

The Location

Turners Painting school is located in the wonderful grounds of Walton Hall and Gardens


Start Time: 10.00 am

Break at: 12.30 pm till 1 pm

Completed Painting 3 pm

What do you need

All you need is an apron or old clothes and your refreshments, everything ells if supplied and you even get to take  your painting Home.




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